Inside Allboarder Mariah Hay • CEO & Co-founder Inside Allboarder Mariah Hay • CEO & Co-founder

Young Coders, Big Lessons

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to share some of my human centered design knowledge with 80+ code campers at Girls Code Savannah, a free code camp for kids that live in Chatham County, GA. While my goal was to help them think about the end user of their website, I was surprised by…

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Company Culture Mariah Hay • CEO & Co-founder Company Culture Mariah Hay • CEO & Co-founder

Most people don’t want to work THAT hard

“Most people don’t want to work THAT hard.” I stared at the LinkedIn post, re-reading it once more. Another toxic hustle culture post promoting the status quo, I thought to myself. It’s not about the desire to work hard, it’s about WORK itself. “Most people,” I worked…

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Inside Allboarder Kylie Dunkley • CDO & Co-founder Inside Allboarder Kylie Dunkley • CDO & Co-founder

Allboarder turns 1!

A year ago, Mariah and I were sitting on a bench somewhere in South Carolina processing the fact that we were going to actually start our own company. I had just been let go and wasn’t even sure…

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