Empowering your program management from day one

Allboarder integrates with Google Workspace & Microsoft 365 calendars and tasks so you can build onboarding and other programs once and save time by letting Allboarder send the invites and tasks every time you run your program. Here’s how:

For more information, check out our help doc on Blueprints.

Create reusable “Blueprint” templates

Define employee goals: Allboarder Blueprints give you a place to share clear goals, as employees ramp up. 

Build the right timeline: Organize your program by section, so you can meaningfully align groups of days with goals. 

Make each meeting meaningful: Add rich context into each meeting with custom content, links to important materials.

Place async tasks on a timeline: Help make tasks more manageable for employees (and for you) by adding them into the blueprint, and giving them a due date.

For more information, check out our help doc on Assigning Blueprints.

Send multiple meetings and tasks in one click

Assign with ease: Quickly assign to individual employees or entire teams. Simply add the email addresses, select the schedule details and press send.

Work across time zones: Allboarder lets you pick the exact day, time, and timezone you want your blueprinted program scheduled in. 

Collaborate with other leaders: Have multiple leaders hiring for the same roles? Share and collaborate on Blueprints to create the same experience for employees, no matter what leader is leading onboarding.

For more information, check out our help doc on Managing Groups.

Easily manage your program cohorts

Organize new hires efficiently: View scheduled groups by Blueprint, making it easy to see what has already been scheduled, and who is attending.

Flexible cohort management: Add or remove employees from groups with ease—tasks and events will automatically update in their calendars without  the need to go into each individual event to add or remove someone.

Track progress: Easily monitor the completion status of assigned tasks and meetings, giving you confidence that no important step is missed in the onboarding process.

For more information, check out our help doc on My Plan.

Give your employees a holistic view

Comprehensive overview: My Plan provides employees with a complete snapshot of all Blueprints they have been assigned in Allboarder, including goals, tasks, and events, all in one place.

Seamless integration: With automatic updates across platforms, tasks and events sync directly to the employee’s calendar and task apps, ensuring they stay organized and on track.

Goal visibility: While calendars display events and tasks, My Plan offers a more complete picture by also including assigned goals, helping employees understand their objectives from day one.

Ready to reclaim your valuable time?

Learn the platform in less than an hour. Start seeing the benefits of automating your program on the first day.